Whether they are participating in curricular, after-school or service-learning programs, community events, or simply interacting with one another, students are guided, nurtured and sustained by the 3Rs and the values that are the foundation of The Gooden School. They learn and understand that they have a voice, that they are welcome, and that they can make a difference in their communities. As they discover and develop their unique talents and abilities, they become resilient learners and collaborative partners and problem-solvers. As one high school principal has said, “Gooden kids are the mayors, they participate in everything and they are kind.”
Respect for Self
No matter their grade, Gooden students participate in our school-wide SEL curriculum. They are provided opportunities to discover and explore what makes them unique. Staff model respect for self, others and the world and scaffolds how this looks and sounds as students mature. We believe it is essential that children embrace curiosity, confidence, independence, and individuality, and find their voice in these foundational years of their childhood.
Respect for Others
All students are encouraged to think about how their own actions affect others, and what respect for others looks, sounds and feels like whether they are on campus or off. Our Buddy program provides younger students with a sense of security as they are shepherded by the oldest members of the student body, and gives older students a chance to serve as mentors for our younger students. Our community engagement program encourages students of all grade levels to work together, to be kind and empathetic and of service to others. Students learn to interact respectfully with their peers, with older and younger students and with adults; they become effective communicators and collaborative problem-solvers, and globally-competent citizens who want to work with others to improve their communities.
Respect for the World
Our community engagement and service-learning programs best demonstrate Gooden’s commitment to weaving the school motto, “Respect for Self, Respect for Others, and Respect for the World” into the very fabric of the school experience. Grade-level community engagement projects allow teachers and students to dig deeply into topics such as homelessness. Our school-wide relationship with Friends In Deed affords our students a chance to give back at a developmentally appropriate level to one organization. For example, younger students collect toiletries and shelf-stable food, older students have the opportunity to work in the food pantry and staff and families can volunteer for the inclement weather shelter during the winter.